For the 2025 United States competition, marketing efforts that ran in the Estatu Batuak artean June 1, 2023, eta September 30, 2024, 2025eko lehiaketan parte hartzeko eskubidea dute.
Marketin-ahalegin guztiak, ala ez full campaigns or targeted contributing efforts within a campaign are eligible to enter the competition. You may submit any one or any multiple combinations of mediums – any examples of work that demonstrate how you tackled your objectives. You must detail the “why” behind the strategy and provide proof that your work achieved significant results.
The work being evaluated by the judges must fall within this eligibility period. Baliteke lanaren elementuak lehenago sartuak izatea eta ondoren jarraitu izanathe eligibility period, but the work entered must have run in the qualifying time from 6/1/23-9/30/24. Results prior to the eligibility time period that help provide context for judges to assess the significance of results achieved within the eligibility time period are fine to submit. Results that fall after the end of the eligibility period that are directly tied to the work that ran in the eligibility timing are also fine to submit. No work after the cut-off to the eligibility period can be submitted.
All results must be isolated to the United States.
For reference, you can review all Eligibility rules in the 2025 Entry Kit.
Epeak eta Tasak
Epeak eta kuotak:
Sarrera Epeak
(azken eguneratua 2024ko urriaren 22an)
Lehenengo epea: 2024ko urriaren 7a: $995
Bigarren Epea: 2024ko urriaren 21a: $1,845
Hirugarren Epea: 2024ko urriaren 28a: $2,710
Azken epea: 2024ko azaroaren 4a: $3,170
BERRIA! Luzapena: 2024ko azaroaren 14a: $3.960
* Sarrera-kuotak aurkezteko datan oinarritzen dira. OHARRA: Epemuga-kuotak ez dira igoko data bakoitzaren ondorengo goizeko 10:00ak arte.
Irabazi asmorik gabeko bidalketak
Irabazi asmorik gabeko erakundeentzako sarrerek 50% deskontua jasotzen dute sarrera kuotetan. Deskontu hau automatikoki aplikatzen da irabazi-asmorik gabeko marka batean lanean sartzen ari zarela hautatzen duzunean.
New Entrant DiscountNew Entrant Discount:
If your company has not submitted work in 2022, 2023 or 2024 competitions as the lead/entering company, your company is eligible for a $200 discount on all entries you submit. New Entrant Discount requests should be made prior to submitting your entry.
New Entrant Discounts cannot be requested after November 3, 2024.
You may apply for this discount once you have created your account in the Entry Portal. To obtain the New Entrant Discount Promo Code, please use this forma and include your agency name & location, along with entry ID#(s).
Insight Gida
Insight gida:
Insight Guides provide feedback from the judges who scored your submission. If purchased at time of entry, a $100 discount is provided, bringing the cost of the report to $250.
To purchase Insight Guides from past competitions, log-in to the entry portal and select Insight Guides from the menu. Use this forma if you have any questions.