Diana Crasmariu, General Manager, Cohn & Jansen

In One Sentence…

How do you define effective marketing? 
The beauty of effective marketing, no matter the times and trends, resides in the equilibrium between consistency and surprise: capturing the powerful insights of the moment to build something new, exciting, or innovative on a solid foundation of the brand.

What marketing trends are you excited about right now? 
The various tools that help us today dig more easily into human nature and bring to the surface powerful insights are truly exciting for somebody like me, with a strategic planning background. The conversations, fears, and vibrant moments in people’s lives are more accessible than ever.

How does creativity drive effectiveness? 
Creativity becomes effective when it has the power to move people in a desired direction, touch their hearts, or change their behavior.

What’s your favorite effectiveness win from the last few months—personal or professional? 
I was very happy two months ago when our client, BCR, won awards for the 3rd year in a row at Effie Romania, with a platform that aims to increase financial education among all Romanians—a long-term, consistent project with a great brand purpose.

What do you hope marketing looks like in the next five years? 
I hope for a lot of things, but here are three of them:

  • I hope marketing & advertising become more respected in the business world, for the great intangible value they create.
  • I hope to see more straightforward decisions along the process of our work.
  • I hope to see our industry enjoying more time to play than to plan.