Nineteen Effie trophies were awarded at Effie Germany’s 32nd annual awards ceremony held this year on November 14th at the Social House Palm Garden in Frankfurt. Two gold, seven silver, and ten bronze Effies were awarded across eleven categories by a jury of senior executives from advertisers, business, agencies, media and market research. Winners are distinguished by effectiveness and proven success in the market and the awards are recognized as the premier award in the marketing community.
Gold Effie Awards were presented to client/agency team Schwäbisch Hall/Ogilvy Deutschland for the "Most Important Place in the World" campaign and to ŠKODA AUTO Germany/Leagas Delaney Hamburg for the "To go SKODA" case. Other top winners include: DB Mobility Logistic/Ogilvy Germany, Deutsche Telekom/DDB Tribal Group, DEUTSCHLAND RUNDET AUF/Dorland Werbeagentur, mobile.international/VCCP, Nikon Deutschland/Jung von Matt, Toyota Deutschland/Saatchi & Saatchi Düsseldorf/Zenitmedia/KPP Event/HAGEN INVENT, and Unilver Deutschland/Ogilvy Desutschland/Mindshare.
The evening included celebrity guests Christoph Metzelder and Markus Frank, Economic Affairs Officer of the City of Frankfurt and host Judith Rakers. German singer Tom Gaebel and his orchestra, provided a swing themed musical background for the evening. The event was organized by Effie Worldwide's partner GWA, the German Association of Communications Agencies. Effie Germany, launched in 1981, has recognized effective marketing communications for over 30 years and is the oldest Effie program after North America.
About Effie Worldwide
Championing the practice and practitioners of marketing effectiveness, Effie Worldwide spotlights marketing ideas that work and encourages thoughtful dialogue around the drivers of marketing effectiveness. The Effie network works with some of the top research and media organizations worldwide to bring its audience relevant and first‐class insights into effective marketing strategy. The Effie Awards are known by advertisers and agencies globally as the pre‐eminent award in the industry, and recognize any and all forms of marketing communication that contribute to a brand's success. Since 1968, winning an Effie has become a global symbol of achievement. Today, Effie celebrates effectiveness worldwide with the Global Effie, the Euro Effie, the Middle East/North Africa Effie, the Asia Pacific Effie and more than 40 national Effie programs. For more details, visit www.effie.org. Follow @effieawards on Twitter for updates on Effie information,programs