Effie Worldwide and Grupo Valora Panamá Launch New Effie Awards Panamá

Effie Worldwide is pleased to announce its newest Effie Awards program in Panamá. Effie Panamá is run in partnership with Grupo Valora Panamá.
Effie Worldwide champions marketing effectiveness and are the organizers of its signature initiative, the Effie Awards, which is recognized throughout the industry as the global standard of marketing effectiveness excellence. With the addition of the Effie Panamá program, Effie Worldwide’s international network expands to 48 programs.
The inaugural Effie Panamá competition will be open to all marketing efforts that ran in Panamá during the determined eligibility period. Complete details on eligibility and competition rules will be available in early July 2017, with Call for Entries kicking off shortly thereafter. The first ceremony, where 2017 winners will be announced, is tentatively scheduled for October 2017.
Effie Panamá is an exciting addition to the Effie Awards network in Latin America,” said Neal Davies, President & CEO of Effie Worldwide. “The finalists & winners will contribute to the growth of marketing effectiveness in the Central American region and will help us continue to celebrate the most effective agencies & brands in the Effie Index.
The Effie Index identifies and ranks the most effective agencies, marketers, brands, networks, and holding companies by analyzing finalist and winner data from all Effie competitions worldwide. Announced annually, the Effie Index is the most comprehensive global ranking of marketing effectiveness.

Iván Correa, Executive Director of Effie Panamá said, “This program opens a new chapter for the marketing industry in Panamá. For us as a profession, it is very important to measure the effects of local marketing communication, and it will be valuable for Panamá to benchmark against other markets through the Effie Index. Effie sends a clear message about the importance of marketing communications and its contribution in building strong brands.

Complete details about the 2017 Effie Panamá program will be available at http://effiepanama.com/.

To receive email updates about the program, sign up here.

For more information about Effie Panamá, contact:
Ivan Correa
Executive Director 
Grupo Valora Panamá
(507) 232 2659

Nicole Febres-Cordero
Panamá Program Coordinator
Grupo Valora Panamá
(507) 699 88650

For more information about Effie Worldwide, contact:
Jill Whalen
Vice President
Effie Worldwide           


About Grupo Valora Panamá
Grupo Valora Panamá is the organizer of the Effie Awards Panamá in partnership with Effie Worldwide and is part of Valora Group, an independent entity with a 26-year history of organizing Effie Awards in the Latin America region. Valora Group is presently the Effie Partner in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador and Perú. 

About Effie Worldwide
Effie Worldwide is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization devoted to championing and improving the practice and practitioners of marketing effectiveness.  Effie Worldwide, organizer of the Effie Awards, spotlights marketing ideas that work and encourages thoughtful dialogue around the drivers of marketing effectiveness, while serving as an educational resource for the industry. The Effie network works with some of the top research and media organizations worldwide to bring its audience relevant insights into effective marketing strategy. The Effie Awards are known by advertisers and agencies globally as the pre-eminent effectiveness award in the industry, and recognize any and all forms of marketing communication that contribute to a brand’s success. Since 1968, winning an Effie Award has become a global symbol of achievement. Today, Effie celebrates effectiveness worldwide with over 40 global, regional and national programs across Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America, Middle East/North Africa and North America.  All Effie Awards finalists and winners are included in the annual Effie Effectiveness Index rankings.  The Effie Index identifies and ranks the marketing communications industry’s most effective agencies, marketers, and brands by analyzing finalist and winner data from all Effie Awards competitions worldwide. For more details, visit www.effie.org and follow the Effies on TwitterFacebook and LinkedIn.