Jun 09, 2016

9 Winners Celebrated at 2016 Effie Awards Belgium Gala

Brussels, 9 June 2016 - This year’s most effective marketers in Belgium were announced on June 9 at the 28th annual Effie Awards Belgium Gala in Brussels. Telenet (Gold), Sunweb (Silver), Medialaan (Silver), WWF (Silver), KBC (Bronze), Matexi (Bronze), Rode Kruis (Bronze), Lidl (Bronze) and Hans Anders (Bronze) are the nine entrants that rose as winners.
The Effie jury, which included marketers, agencies, academics and market researchers, sat together to debate over this year’s rich array of entries. Thirteen finalists were selected, of which nine were rewarded with Gold, Silver or Bronze Effie awards.

"Our efforts to raise the bar and to broaden the scope of participation have paid off. The quality of this year’s entries was of a premium level. The thirteen finalists represent seven of the ten categories," said Birgit Heymans, Director of Effie Belgium.

Gold was presented to Telenet and TBWA for their campaign “Helemaal mee Tournee” in the Telecom category. Silver went to WWF Belgium and Famous for their campaign “Uitstervende families redden met een uitstervende familie” in the Non-Profit category; Medialaan and Flexus for their campaign “Rode Neuzen Dag” in the Non-Profit category; and Sunweb and LDV United for their campaign “Zondedju” in the Leisure & Entertainment category. Bronze trophies were awarded to: KBC/TBWA’s “Ondernemingszin stimuleren loont,” Matexi/Duval Branding’s “Welkom in de buurt,” Rode Kruis Vlaanderen/Duval Guillaume’s “Helpt Helpen,” Lidl/BBDO’s “Voor iedereen die telt,” and Hans Anders/Havas Brussels’ “Het kan anders.”
To faciliate learning, Effie Belgium is launching a new project: the Effie Masters. Winners and former judges will become ambassadors around effectiveness, coaching the next generation of marketing professionals with their experience in the industry.
"Being part of the Effie Worldwide network that spans over 40 countries offers many opportunities to the marketing community in our country. The growing success of Effie Belgium proves our efforts in promoting Effie’s philosphy among marketers and agencies and in sharing knowledge and expertise, both nationally and internationally. We are especially proud of the achivements of our 2016 finalists and winners and congratulate them along with the jury and board of directors," said Marc Frederix, President of Effie Belgium.
For a full list of the 2016 winners, click here>
Original Jun 09, 2016 Europe

9 Winners Celebrated at 2016 Effie Awards Belgium Gala

Brussels, 9 June 2016 - This year’s most effective marketers in Belgium were announced on June 9 at the 28th annual Effie Awards Belgium Gala in Brussels. Telenet (Gold), Sunweb (Silver), Medialaan (Silver), WWF (Silver), KBC (Bronze), Matexi (Bronze), Rode Kruis (Bronze), Lidl (Bronze) and Hans Anders (Bronze) are the nine entrants that rose as winners.
The Effie jury, which included marketers, agencies, academics and market researchers, sat together to debate over this year’s rich array of entries. Thirteen finalists were selected, of which nine were rewarded with Gold, Silver or Bronze Effie awards.

"Our efforts to raise the bar and to broaden the scope of participation have paid off. The quality of this year’s entries was of a premium level. The thirteen finalists represent seven of the ten categories," said Birgit Heymans, Director of Effie Belgium.

Gold was presented to Telenet and TBWA for their campaign “Helemaal mee Tournee” in the Telecom category. Silver went to WWF Belgium and Famous for their campaign “Uitstervende families redden met een uitstervende familie” in the Non-Profit category; Medialaan and Flexus for their campaign “Rode Neuzen Dag” in the Non-Profit category; and Sunweb and LDV United for their campaign “Zondedju” in the Leisure & Entertainment category. Bronze trophies were awarded to: KBC/TBWA’s “Ondernemingszin stimuleren loont,” Matexi/Duval Branding’s “Welkom in de buurt,” Rode Kruis Vlaanderen/Duval Guillaume’s “Helpt Helpen,” Lidl/BBDO’s “Voor iedereen die telt,” and Hans Anders/Havas Brussels’ “Het kan anders.”
To faciliate learning, Effie Belgium is launching a new project: the Effie Masters. Winners and former judges will become ambassadors around effectiveness, coaching the next generation of marketing professionals with their experience in the industry.
"Being part of the Effie Worldwide network that spans over 40 countries offers many opportunities to the marketing community in our country. The growing success of Effie Belgium proves our efforts in promoting Effie’s philosphy among marketers and agencies and in sharing knowledge and expertise, both nationally and internationally. We are especially proud of the achivements of our 2016 finalists and winners and congratulate them along with the jury and board of directors," said Marc Frederix, President of Effie Belgium.
For a full list of the 2016 winners, click here>