Jan 09, 2017

2017 Euro Effie Awards Call for Entries opens

The Euro Effie Awards, the gold standard in marketing communications effectiveness since 1996, have announced the call for entries for the 2017 competition. The awards are open to all companies with campaigns which ran in two or more European markets in 2016. To be considered for a Euro Effie, campaigns must prove beyond reasonable doubt that the choice and use of marketing communications were key to the campaign's success.

For 2017 two new speciality categories have been introduced, Branded Content and Carpe Diem, to keep the awards relevant to the evolving marketing communications landscape. A full list of categories and category definitions are available on euro-effie.com.

In addition, the Positive Change Effie Awards, a multinational programme run in collaboration with the World Economic Forum to recognise corporate contributions to social & environmental issues, will be offered as part of the Euro Effie programme for the first time.

Judging takes place in two rounds. Round 1 is conducted solely online and takes into consideration the effectiveness based on strategy, target market insights, choice and use of marketing communications and results. Round 2 takes place over one day in Brussels, during which the Jury meets to evaluate the finalists' cases, including the creative material.

The final closing date for entries is 3 pm (15h00 CET) on Wednesday, 24 May 2017. Winners will be officially announced at the Awards Gala in Brussels on 17 October 2017 and on the Euro Effies website www.euro-effie.com the following day.

The Euro Effies are organised by the European Association of Communications Agencies (EACA) in partnership with Euronews and with the support of Google, Kantar Millward Brown, The European Publishers’ Council, WARC, Adforum.com, Procter & Gamble, Nielsen, Bacardi-Martini, creativebrief & Viva Xpress Logistics. 

Learn more and enter at www.euro-effie.com
Read about winners in the 2016 Euro Effie Awards competition here
Original Jan 09, 2017 Europe

2017 Euro Effie Awards Call for Entries opens

The Euro Effie Awards, the gold standard in marketing communications effectiveness since 1996, have announced the call for entries for the 2017 competition. The awards are open to all companies with campaigns which ran in two or more European markets in 2016. To be considered for a Euro Effie, campaigns must prove beyond reasonable doubt that the choice and use of marketing communications were key to the campaign's success.

For 2017 two new speciality categories have been introduced, Branded Content and Carpe Diem, to keep the awards relevant to the evolving marketing communications landscape. A full list of categories and category definitions are available on euro-effie.com.

In addition, the Positive Change Effie Awards, a multinational programme run in collaboration with the World Economic Forum to recognise corporate contributions to social & environmental issues, will be offered as part of the Euro Effie programme for the first time.

Judging takes place in two rounds. Round 1 is conducted solely online and takes into consideration the effectiveness based on strategy, target market insights, choice and use of marketing communications and results. Round 2 takes place over one day in Brussels, during which the Jury meets to evaluate the finalists' cases, including the creative material.

The final closing date for entries is 3 pm (15h00 CET) on Wednesday, 24 May 2017. Winners will be officially announced at the Awards Gala in Brussels on 17 October 2017 and on the Euro Effies website www.euro-effie.com the following day.

The Euro Effies are organised by the European Association of Communications Agencies (EACA) in partnership with Euronews and with the support of Google, Kantar Millward Brown, The European Publishers’ Council, WARC, Adforum.com, Procter & Gamble, Nielsen, Bacardi-Martini, creativebrief & Viva Xpress Logistics. 

Learn more and enter at www.euro-effie.com
Read about winners in the 2016 Euro Effie Awards competition here