Jun 21, 2021
Global: Multi-Region

Effie Worldwide Joins WFA for first Global DEI Census

NEW YORK (June 21, 2021) - Effie Worldwide is partnering with the Worldwide Federation of Advertisers (WFA) to conduct the first global industry census on diversity and inclusion.
Effie joins global partners VoxComm, Kantar, Campaign, the European Association of Communications Agencies, Cannes Lions and Advertising Week in supporting the effort. 
“Effie Worldwide is proud to partner with the WFA on a global diversity and inclusion survey,” said Traci Alford, CEO of Effie Worldwide. “This global analysis is very much needed to move our industry forward, particularly since the global pandemic has exacerbated existing inequities. While we know a survey alone will not make progress, it will serve as a benchmark from which we can measure our impact going forward.”
National advertiser and agency associations in 27 markets will promote the study and encourage local marketers to participate. The participating markets include Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, France, Greece, the Gulf Cooperation Council (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates), Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Japan, Malaysia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, US and the UK.
The survey will be conducted as an online questionnaire over two weeks beginning Monday, June 21. The results will be compiled and analyzed by Kantar and published by Campaign’s global network of editions later in the year. The census will be repeated in 18 months’ time.
Effie Worldwide will promote the survey across its global network.

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Original Jun 21, 2021 Global: Multi-Region

Effie Worldwide Joins WFA for first Global DEI Census

NEW YORK (June 21, 2021) - Effie Worldwide is partnering with the Worldwide Federation of Advertisers (WFA) to conduct the first global industry census on diversity and inclusion.
Effie joins global partners VoxComm, Kantar, Campaign, the European Association of Communications Agencies, Cannes Lions and Advertising Week in supporting the effort. 
“Effie Worldwide is proud to partner with the WFA on a global diversity and inclusion survey,” said Traci Alford, CEO of Effie Worldwide. “This global analysis is very much needed to move our industry forward, particularly since the global pandemic has exacerbated existing inequities. While we know a survey alone will not make progress, it will serve as a benchmark from which we can measure our impact going forward.”
National advertiser and agency associations in 27 markets will promote the study and encourage local marketers to participate. The participating markets include Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, France, Greece, the Gulf Cooperation Council (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates), Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Japan, Malaysia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, US and the UK.
The survey will be conducted as an online questionnaire over two weeks beginning Monday, June 21. The results will be compiled and analyzed by Kantar and published by Campaign’s global network of editions later in the year. The census will be repeated in 18 months’ time.
Effie Worldwide will promote the survey across its global network.

Take the survey >
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